Aunque lo unico que se sabe es que el disco saldria a finales del 2011 y a principios del 2012, aun no hay nada concreto acerca del sexto album de Muse, se sabe que Muse sacaria un sexto album y un septimo album, mas dos DVD's en todo ese tiempo debido a su contrato que tiene con WMG, pero.. aunque el The Resistance Tour! sigue en activo.. se activo un articulo en musewiki, un miniarticulo..
Nota: de las 2 canciones que se mencionan ahi.. una es Neutron Star Collision (Love Is Forever)
Este es el mensaje, no deja de tener importancia:
Near the beginning of 2010 Muse indicated they had been working on potentially two new songs, one of which was ready for recording. One was mentioned by Dom in an interview with regard to Muse providing new music for the 2012 Olympic games.[1] Dom mentioned a "love song" the band had written originally intended for the Twilight Saga: Eclipse soundtrack, stating that the band "were ready to record" in Australia during the Big Day Out tour. [2] It is unclear whether this song is separate from that which was mentioned in regard to the 2012 Olympics.
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